Sunday 25 September 2011

Location Shots

To complement the narrative idea for our video, me and Samiyah have decided to film in a variety of locations for our music video within Hitchin Town.
These images will show the ideas of where we will shoots various shots for the video of 'Haunted'.
This first show is around my housing estate in St Ippolyts. Me and Samiyah thought this is a good location to shoot the character singing with direct address. The cluster of trees can could create a voyerustic effect as the character will be centred around the middle in costume which contrasting colours which will make it easy for the audience to see whilst doing a long shot. We were thinking of also doing a close up within this location as well.

This is an shot of an alley also around my housing estate. This location would be used as part of a tracking shot of the characters walking through it. this location shot is also ideal to film a low angle shot from the characters shoes and gradually working the camera up to a immediate close up. It can also be used for a high angle shot as the alley is built up on a hill, this can show the vunerability of the character during the song.

St Marys churchyard is also another location shot we took. We had an idea of using a long shot to show the whole of the church and then close up on one of the church doors which is indented in the wall, this would feature the artist looking at the camera and singing with a male character. The lighting will be natural light withn the early hours of the morning. This will also create a voyeuristic effect as the audience will want to look at the couples actions with eachother.